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Ken's passion for art is evident in every piece he creates, and he is constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible with his work. Whether you are a collector or simply someone who appreciates beautiful art, you are sure to find something that speaks to you in Ken's portfolio.


1968 - 2023

My art "Education" comes from life experience. From my earliest childhood memories, I have been making things, a crude coffee cup in second grade, a pinball game out of a laundry soap box in fourth grade. This is probably why I later became an architect, the need for making things with my hands. As my wife can attest to, our home has always been littered with my creations. Now it's time to share my creations with the world.




Reno Art Project presents Focus

In the fall of 2011, I hounded a landlord of a vacant building located in the heart of downtown Reno for the free use of his facility.  He finally caved and allowed me and a buddy to take over the 15,000 square foot facility and create and stage art over an 8-month period that culminated in an art show that we dubbed Focus.


Prequel to Reno Art Project's Focus

We decided to take some of the work we had been creating in the vacant building and bring it to the people. On Saint Patrick's Day 2012, we loaded up a U-Haul truck and parked it and our art in what was known at the time as a busy intersection in Reno for St. Paddy's Day. We even got the local police to guard our art for us for the evening.

u-haul and police car

Fine, if you really want to get ahold of me.


Thank you for reaching out to Ken Bartlett!

© 2023 by Ken Bartlett Artist. Website designed and secured by Ken Bartlett.

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